Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Enjoying Heaven Now


Heaven... Why not now?

Sep 9, 2022

A Tender Presence

A Tender Presence

Bath, Maine

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The theological definition of hell is total aloneness - not being connected to anything.

*Huston Smith, The Soul of Christianity.

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I grew up with the teaching of a fiery, everlasting sea of fire below the earth and an immaculate city above the clouds. The first teaching was of a material hell, the second of a material heaven. Such teaching is materialistic, but not the only way of understanding heaven and hell. Heaven and hell are, rather, figurative and point to an important truth, as relevant in this time as any before.

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A man had been struggling with a loss of meaning in his life. In sleep one night, he had a vision. An angel met him in the hallway of a building and invited him through a doorway. They walked into a large room. The room had a huge table, and people sat around it. A big container of stew, which everyone could reach, was on the table.

The man could feel the atmosphere, and it felt heavy and cold. Each person there suffered a continuous state of hunger and thirst, for no one, with their long spoons, could lift the stew to their mouth, though they kept trying. The man felt sad for these men and women and chilled by the coldness. The angel said, "My friend, this is hell." The man asked, "If this is hell, what is heaven?"

The angel led the man to another room across the hallway. The room looked like the first, with a container of stew and persons sitting around the table. However, the atmosphere was light and warm, even festive. Everyone's face was aglow with gladness. Each person had the same spoon type as those in the first room. They each, however, were feeding the persons sitting on either side.

The man felt joyful in this room and for the gladness of all present. The angel spoke, "My friend, this is heaven." The man replied, "If this is heaven, I surely want to live in heaven." To this, the angel said, "Then, how about now?"

What are qualities of heaven now? Hell now? Do you know someone who personifies heaven in a way that especially inspires you to do the same? Does your spiritual path have another word(s) that correlates with "heaven" and "hell"? How might you invite more of heaven into your life? Into our world? What of hell might you need to let go of? Does one have to be religious or spiritual to enjoy heaven? According to the above story and Huston Smith's opening words, what is the connection between community and hell or heaven?

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*©Brian K. Wilcox, 2022.

*Use of photography is allowed accompanied by credit given to Brian K. Wilcox and notation of title and place of the photograph.

*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Enjoying Heaven Now

©Brian Wilcox 2024